Apart from the physical discomfort associated with anxiety, the main problem is that anxiety can set up a pattern of avoidant thinking and behaviour that spreads to other areas of your life. This is very life limiting, stopping you from achieving your goals and other things that are important to you.
This can lead to loss of confidence, withdrawal, isolation and depression.
Symptoms Of Anxiety
The following symptoms are common indicators of anxiety:
– Sleep interruption, difficulty getting off to sleep
– A sense of danger or threat in everyday situations
– Imagining the future conjures up thoughts of threat, danger or failure
– Believing that you can’t cope and that things are out of your control
– Avoidance of people and/or situations you regard as threatening
– Bodily tension leading to aches and pains
– Over-thinking – going over and over things at the expense of taking action
Treating Anxiety
Many people resort to using alcohol or drugs to relieve anxiety. This is not the answer – the effect will be short-lived and you’ll feel worse after the effect has worn off. In addition, you run the risk of developing a dependency that can be extremely difficult to cure. The answer lies in learning a new response to:
Tolerate the temporary discomfort of anxiety
Learning new skills for living that will help you to deal with the “what-if’s” in life, solve problems and make decisions
Learning new skills for living that help you deal with social situations, relationships and achieving your goals